Top 180 secret pages for posting your ads

Here are the sites where your ad is posted Advertising sites Advertising tools, electronic marketing and increase visitors The 180 most powerful sites to publish The most powerful
data and tools to advertise your site in Google The easiest way to increase visitors to your site Advertising and products for free steps to write a successful marketing ad 8 steps in the successful advertising marketing .. 8 What distinguishes a successful advertising from others Many ads that aim to promote the product only without studying the market and product eatemad  khatib Top 180 secret pages for posting your ads 1 characteristics and many other things .. In our article today we talk about the most important steps that help each marketer to write an ad Successful marketing of the product or product that is .. ?advertised .. What are these steps Study the means of advertising, will it be in a - 1 magazine or luxury newspaper ?. What is the ad space? The larger space, the more you can use dazzling tools such as colors, graphics, and image .size: Address -2 The title function is to attract attention. The good title makes the reader want to know more about the readable material, so the title should be brief so that the largest amount of information is provided in as little space as possible. Type only important words. Select the brand name, model number, name of the thing you want to sell, as well as quantity if you .have more than one commodity: Description -3 eatemad khatib Top 180 secret pages for posting your ads 2 Comes second after the title in terms of importance and ad description. In writing the description you should start with the most important information, then you can explain and write the details that explain the information you mentioned at the beginning. The reason you need a lengthy description is that search advertising depends on the keywords in the title and/or description. This means that the more you describe your ad and the more keywords you have, the more chances you have of reaching people who want to buy your item .for sale: Pictures .4 Images that you upload when your ad is published are ranked third. It's good to take pictures by your phone as many cell phones take pictures that are higher than some cameras. However, you have to consider the accuracy of each shot. Many ad sites do not allow a large number of images, so you should choose your photos very carefully. Make sure that each image you put is clear, bright, and eatemad khatib Top 180 secret pages for posting your ads 3 shows the most important features of the item you .want to sell: Price -5 You must determine in your mind the lowest price you can sell before contacting buyers. Negotiators are everywhere, especially in ad sites. For example, if your ad is on a TV for $ 200, someone you want will see $ 100 instead of $ 200. You should determine in your mind the lowest price you can sell before you talk to anyone, because people will .bargain you for the lowest possible price: How to communicate with you .6 Finally, ways of communicating with you are very important in advertising sites, whether in the first contact or even the final interview and sale. Be sure to be clear on how to communicate. If you only reply to an email, write it in the ad, and confirm. Make sure you tell the potential customer about the place of the interview, when he meets you, and beat this early location. If you really want a successful ad, you'll add some detail to your ad, telling people eatemad khatib Top 180 secret pages for posting your ads 4 exactly what days and times they'll be available. This makes it easier for you to decide when to buy .when you know when to buy a product to publish your advertisement in sites with many - 7 visitors Choosing your ad sites is very important so that you earn visitors all the time without being harassed or delete your ads while at the same time ensuring .targeted visitors looking for your products Where to find the sites where you write your -8 advertisement to earn money, profits and fame Here are the sites where your ad is posted Advertising sites eatemad khatib Top 180 secret pages for posting your ads 5 Post your ad in the following sites and each day, enter to share your participation in social contacts and your 
35 dollar


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